GST Identification Number

GST Identification Number

What is GSTIN?

To operate under GST, manufacturers, service providers and traders will need a GST Identification Number (GSTIN) - which will be a 15 digit PAN based number.
The GSTIN structure will be as follows :
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
A not for profit organisation called Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has been assigned the responsibility to set up the Information Technology of the Goods and Service Tax (GST).
GSTN is working in collaboration with the State Governments to collect information on existing taxpayers and issue them Tax Identification Number (TIN).

How to obtain GSTIN?

To obtain GSTIN, all the existing taxpayers registered under any of the following Acts, will have to enrol themselves on GST Common Portal -
  • Central Excise
  • Service Tax
  • State Sales Tax or VAT or Central Sales Tax (CST)
  • Entry Tax
  • Luxury Tax
  • Entertainment Tax
These traders will be provided a Provisional ID and a Provisional Password to access GST portal and start with the registration process. Once they complete the registration process, they will be allotted the GSTIN. Registration process for existing taxpayers will start from 1st November, 2016.

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