The 10 richest people in Australia for 2017

           The 10 richest people in Australia for 2017

The 2017 Financial Review Rich List has been released, showing the average wealth of Australia's 200 richest at $1.16 billion for a combined $233 billion.
The surge in commodity prices has served resource rich listers, such as Andrew Forrest at Forescue Metals and Gina Rinehart at Hancock Prospecting, well.
Rinehart's wealth jumped to $10.40 billion from $6.06 billion. Forrest's doubled to $6.84 billion from $3.33 billion in 2016.
James Packer, who has substantial holding in Crown Resorts which has seen gaming table revenue slow, was the only one in the top 10 to see his wealth shrink, to $4.75 billion from $5 billion.
The top ten wealthiest are worth a combined $77 billion between them, topped by Anthony Pratt, the head of the Visy cardboard box manufacturing and recycling empire, at $12.59 billion.
Three people are now worth more than $10 billion: Pratt, property developer Harry Triguboff and mining magnate Gina Rinehart.
Here are the top 10 wealthiest:
The full list of the top 200 wealthiest is HERE.

1. Anthony Pratt & family

Cardboard packaging - $12.59 billion, up from $10.35 billion in 2016.

2. Harry Triguboff

Property development - $11.43 billion, up from $10.62 billion.

3. Gina Rinehart

Mining - $10.40 billion, up from $6.06 billion

4. Frank Lowy

Property and investment - $8.26 billion, up from $8.26 billion.

5. Ivan Glasenberg

Resources as CEO of Glencore Xstrata - $6.85 billion, up from $3.33 billion.

6. Andrew Forrest

Resources - $6.84 billion, up from $3.33 billion.

7. John Gandel

Property and investment - $6.05 billion, up from $5.4 billion.

8. Hui Wing Mau

Property - $5.96 billion, up from $5.39 billion.

9. James Packer

Gaming and investment - $4.75 billion, down from $5 billion.

10. Stan Perron

Property and investment - $3.9 billion, up from $2.88 billion.

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